16.09. - 02.11.2024

Gottfried Helnwein

1948 Vienna


Crimson Mouse 4 2024

Oil and acrylic on canvas
140 x 200 cm
signed, dated and titled on the reverse: CRIMSON MOUSE 4 G. Helnwein 2024


Vgl.: Elsy Lahner, Klaus Albrecht Schröder (Hg.), Gottfried Helnwein, exhibition catalogue, Albertina, Wien 2023/2024, ill S. 32 f..;
Helnwein. The Silent Glow, exhibition catalogue, Sale Monumentali della Biblioteca Marciana, Venice 2021, ill S. 21, 34, 47;
Helnwein. Schlaf der Vernunft, exhibition catalogue, Ludwig Museum im Deutschherrenhaus, Koblenz, Sale Monumentali, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice 2021, ill S. 130 f.;
Demetrio Paparoni, Gottfried Helnwein. The Epiphany of the Displaced, Mailand 2019, ill S. 429;
Harald Scheicher (Hg.), Gottfried Helnwein. Kind, exhibition catalogue, Werner Berg Museum, Bleiburg 2017, ill S. 197;
Klaus Albrecht Schröder, Elsy Lahner (Hg.), Gottfried Helnwein, exhibition catalogue, Albertina, Wien 2013, ill S. 185

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