11.09. - 21.10.2023
FINE ART Autumn 2023

Alfons Walde

1891 Oberndorf - 1958 Kitzbühel


Standing nude in front of Green around 1920

watercolour, coloured pencil and pencil on paper
43 x 29 cm (passepartout cutout)
on the reverse/verso: Akt in pencil and coloured pencil


private collection Vienna


Vgl.: Rudolf Leopold, Gert Ammann, Carl Kraus, Alfons Walde, exhibition catalogue, Leopold Museum, Wien 2006, S. 136 ff.;
Gert Ammann, Alfons Walde. 1891-1958, exhibition catalogue, Museum Minoritenkloster Tulln, Museum Kitzbühel, Innsbruck 2001, S. 63 ff., S. 246-265;
Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. Bestandskatalog der Österreichischen Galerie Belvedere in Wien, Band 4, Wien 2000, S. 208

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